What Type of Dentist Does Implants : Your Ultimate Guide

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What Type of Dentist Does Implants? For dental implants, an oral surgeon is the best specialist as they excel in oral surgery. As a result, patients can feel confident about the procedure’s success under their care.

When considering dental implants, it’s crucial to seek the expertise of the right dental professional. An oral surgeon, specializing in oral surgery, is the most suitable specialist to perform dental implant procedures. Their extensive training and skillset make them the ideal choice for anyone seeking implants, especially for complex cases or those with underlying medical conditions.

Understanding the importance of choosing the right specialist is vital for the success of the dental implant procedure. Consequently, seeking the services of an experienced oral surgeon can provide the assurance and quality care needed for a successful dental implant procedure.

What Type of Dentist Does Implants
What Type of Dentist Does Implants?

Choosing The Right Specialist For Dental Implants

When it comes to getting dental implants, it is of utmost importance to choose the right specialist. Dental implant placement is a complex procedure that requires precision and expertise. By selecting the right specialist, you can ensure that you receive the best possible care and achieve optimal results.

When choosing the right specialist for dental implants, there are several key factors to consider:

  1. Experience and Expertise: Look for a specialist who has extensive experience in dental implant placement. A specialist with years of experience is likely to have encountered a wide range of cases and can handle any complexities that may arise during the procedure.
  2. Qualifications and Training: Check the specialist’s qualifications and training. Look for certifications and advanced training in implant dentistry. A specialist with specialized training in dental implants will have in-depth knowledge and skills required for successful implant placement.
  3. Specialization: It is advisable to choose a specialist who specializes in dental implant placement. Oral surgeons or periodontists are the most common specialists who specialize in dental implants. They have unique expertise in surgical procedures and are well-equipped to handle the complexities involved in implant placement.
  4. Technology and Techniques: Consider the technology and techniques utilized by the specialist. Look for a specialist who uses advanced technology and modern techniques for dental implant placement. This ensures that you receive the most up-to-date and efficient treatment.

Choosing the right specialist for dental implants is crucial for the success and longevity of your implant. By considering these key factors, you can make an informed decision and have peace of mind knowing that you are in capable hands.

Specialists Qualified For Dental Implants

When it comes to dental implants, it’s essential to choose the right specialist who has the necessary qualifications and expertise to ensure a successful procedure. Here, we’ll explore the three types of dental professionals who are most qualified for dental implant placement: oral surgeons, periodontists, and general dentists.

Oral Surgeons

An oral surgeon is highly trained and specialized in oral surgery procedures, making them the safest option for dental implant placement. With their expertise in surgical techniques and knowledge of the oral and maxillofacial structures, oral surgeons are equipped to handle complex cases and ensure that the implants are placed with precision.

Thanks to their extensive training, patients can rest assured that they are in good hands when opting for an oral surgeon to perform their dental implant procedure. The oral surgeon’s proficiency in surgical procedures and their ability to address any potential complications during the implant placement process make them an excellent choice for patients seeking dental implants.


Periodontists are dental specialists who primarily focus on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Due to their in-depth knowledge of the periodontium, periodontists are well-suited for dental implant placement.

In implant dentistry, periodontists are considered highly trained and qualified professionals. They possess a thorough understanding of periodontal health and have extensive experience in surgical procedures, making them proficient in implant placement.

Periodontists are skilled in managing the surgical aspects of implant treatment, including assessing the patient’s oral health, evaluating the quality of the jawbone, and performing necessary bone grafting procedures if required.

General Dentists

While oral surgeons and periodontists are specialists when it comes to dental implant placement, general dentists can also perform this procedure. General dentists have a broad range of skills and knowledge in various aspects of dentistry, including implant dentistry.

However, it’s important to note that not all general dentists have extensive experience with dental implants. Before choosing a general dentist for your implant procedure, it’s crucial to inquire about their training, expertise, and the number of successful implant cases they have completed.

Some general dentists undergo additional training and certification courses to become more proficient in implant dentistry. These dentists may have the necessary expertise to ensure a successful implant procedure. They may also coordinate with oral surgeons or periodontists for more complex cases, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care throughout the implant process.

Training And Expertise Of Specialists

When seeking dental implant treatment, it is important to understand the significance of choosing a specialist with the appropriate training and expertise for the best possible outcome. Both oral surgeons and periodontists possess distinct qualifications and expertise that make them adept at handling dental implant procedures. Let’s explore the training and expertise of these specialists in greater detail.

Oral Surgeons’ Training And Qualifications

Oral surgeons are dental professionals who undergo extensive training beyond dental school to specialize in surgical procedures, including dental implant placement. They complete a rigorous residency program that focuses on surgical interventions in the oral and maxillofacial region. This specialized training equips oral surgeons with the skills and expertise necessary to perform complex dental implant surgeries with precision and care. Their comprehensive knowledge of oral anatomy and surgical techniques enables them to address various implant-related challenges effectively.

Periodontists’ Expertise In Implant Dentistry

Periodontists are specialized in the treatment of gum diseases and are extensively trained in periodontal surgery, which includes dental implant placement. Their expertise lies in the preservation and augmentation of the supporting structures for dental implants, such as the gums and jawbone. With a focus on the health of the surrounding tissues, periodontists possess the expertise to address any periodontal concerns that may impact the success of dental implants. Their advanced knowledge and skills in implant dentistry make them proficient in ensuring the long-term stability and health of dental implants.

Comparing Dental Implant Types

When considering dental implants, it’s essential to understand the different types available and their suitability for individual cases. The three main types of dental implants are endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic implants. Let’s explore each type in more detail:

Endosteal Implants

Endosteal implants are the most common type and are typically used as an alternative for patients with bridges or removable dentures. They are surgically placed in the jawbone and provide a sturdy foundation for the artificial tooth. This type is suitable for patients with sufficient jawbone density and volume.

Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are suitable for patients who have minimal bone height and cannot undergo a procedure to rebuild it. These implants are positioned on top of the jawbone with the metal framework protruding through the gum to hold the prosthesis securely. This type is ideal for patients who have shallow jawbones and are not candidates for traditional implants.

Zygomatic Implants

Zygomatic implants are an advanced alternative for patients with significant bone loss in the upper jaw. Instead of placing implants in the jawbone, zygomatic implants are anchored in the zygoma (cheekbone). This technique provides a stable solution for patients who have insufficient bone for traditional implants and bone grafting is not an option.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Type Of Dentist Does Implants

What To Look For In A Dental Implant Specialist

When it comes to dental implants, finding the right specialist is crucial to ensure a successful and safe procedure. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a dental implant specialist:

Experience And Track Record

One of the most important things to look for in a dental implant specialist is their experience and track record. You want to ensure that the specialist you choose has extensive experience in performing dental implant procedures. Look for a specialist who has been practicing implant dentistry for several years and has a proven track record of successful implant placements.

Reputation And Patient Testimonials

Another factor to consider when choosing a dental implant specialist is their reputation and patient testimonials. Check online reviews and ask for referrals from friends or family who have had dental implant procedures. A reputable specialist will have positive patient testimonials and a good reputation within the dental community.

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Cost And Insurance Coverage

Cost is an important consideration when it comes to dental implant procedures. Different specialists may have different pricing structures, so it’s essential to get quotes from multiple specialists and compare them. Additionally, check if the dental implant specialist accepts your insurance coverage, as this can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

In conclusion, finding the right dental implant specialist requires careful consideration of their experience, reputation, and cost. By choosing a specialist with a proven track record, positive patient testimonials, and affordable pricing, you can ensure a successful dental implant procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What Type Of Dentist Does Implants

What Type Of Dentist Is Best For Implants?

An oral surgeon is the best type of dentist for implants as they specialize in oral surgery and have the most experience in placing dental implants. Visit an oral surgeon if you want the safest option for your implant.

Should A Periodontist Or An Oral Surgeon Do An Implant?

An oral surgeon is the best choice for dental implant placement, as they specialize in oral surgery. They are the most experienced, providing a safe and assured operation. Periodontists are also skilled in implant placement and can be a good alternative to general dentists.

Which Dental Specialist Has Training In Dental Implants?

A periodontist is a dental specialist trained in dental implants and is highly qualified for expertly placing implants.

What Are Dental Implants Classified Under?

Dental implants are classified under three main types: endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic. An oral surgeon is the most qualified dentist to perform dental implant placement due to their expertise in oral surgery.


Overall, when it comes to dental implants, an oral surgeon is the best choice for a dentist. With their specialization in oral surgery and extensive experience in placing dental implants, patients can feel confident that they are receiving the highest level of care.

Whether dealing with complex cases or having compromising medical conditions, an oral surgeon’s proficiency and medical training make them the most qualified to handle any situation. So, if you are considering dental implants, make sure to consult with an oral surgeon for the best results.

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